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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Prices of custom oil portraits vary based on the canvas size and the number of individuals in the painting. Besides, adding a frame is also accompanied by extra costs. The reason is that capturing new faces and adding new details requires extra effort. Roughly, the prices vary from $169 to $649. Still, if you wonder about the exact cost of your future custom oil paintings from photos, you can easily calculate the price from our page.

In order to let our professional artists turn photo into oil painting and help you create a memorable present, first you should order the painting in this specific medium. Just upload your picture and our artists will start turning it into a unique, personalized oil painting as soon as possible.  The drawing procedure consists of 3 stages: 

  1. Initially, we delineate the chosen photograph using the thinnest brush/pencil.
  2. The next step is to outline the face/landscape lines with the light color.
  3. After filling in the basic zones, our artist adds details in darker colors and continues to construct the masterpiece.

Keep in mind that you can easily reach out to our customer support and ask them to let you preview your oil painting in progress.

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Turn photo into painting
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Turn photo into painting
Minim aute voluptate
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Minim aute voluptate
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Mother's Day
Father's Day
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Mother's Day
Father's Day
Turn photo into painting
Minim aute voluptate
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Mother's Day
Father's Day
Turn photo into painting
Minim aute voluptate
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Mother's Day
Father's Day
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